Source code for tools.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of some useful general purpose functions.

Created on 6 de Nov de 2013

@author: julio
import datetime
import os

[docs]def dms2dec(d, m, s): """Convert coordinates in the format (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) to decimal. Parameters ---------- d : number Degrees. m : number Minutes. s : number Seconds. Returns ------- float Coordinates in decimal format. Notes ----- Assumes that data is signalled. The conversion is done by the formula .. math:: \operatorname{DEC} = \operatorname{DEG} + \operatorname{MIN}/60 + \operatorname{SEC}/3600. """ return int(d) + float(m) / 60 + float(s) / 3600
[docs]def is_number(s): """Check if s is a number. Parameters ---------- s : string or number Input to check if is a number. Returns ------- boolean True if `s` is a number. """ try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False
# except TypeError: # return False
[docs]def skip_lines(file_id, nlines): """Skip the next n lines from a file. Parameters ---------- file_id : file handle Input file. nlines : int Number of lines to skip. """ for i in xrange(nlines): # @UnusedVariable file_id.readline()
[docs]def filename_seq(file_id, n): """Generator to create a sequence of numbered filenames. Parameters ---------- file_id : string Initial file name. n : int Number of names to generate. Returns ------- fname : string File name. """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_id) for i in xrange(n): fname = base + '_' + str(i) + ext i += 1 yield fname
[docs]def filename_indexing(file_id, n): """Insert an index in a filename. Parameters ---------- file_id : string File name. n : number Index to insert. Returns ------- fname : string File name. """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_id) # fname = base + str(n) + ext # to load older simulations fname = base + '_' + str(n) + ext return fname
[docs]def path_up(path, nlevels): """Go up n levels in the path tree. Parameters ---------- path : string Folder or file path. nlevels : int Number of levels to go up. Returns ------- head : string Target directory. tail : string The remaining part of the path tree. """ if os.path.isdir(path): head = path filename = None else: head, filename = os.path.split(path) tail = list() if filename: tail.append(filename) for i in xrange(nlevels): # @UnusedVariable head, base = os.path.split(head) tail.append(base) tail = os.path.join(*tail[::-1]) return head, tail
[docs]def yes_no(yn): """Parse a string containing 'Y'(es) or 'N'(o). Parameters ---------- yn : string Input string. Returns ------- boolean Returns True if `yn` is equal to 'y' or to 'yes', otherwise returns False. """ if yn.strip().lower() in ['y', 'yes']: return True else: return False
[docs]def seconds_convert(seconds): """Convert seconds to months, days and HH:MM:ss. Parameters ---------- seconds : int Number of seconds. Returns ------- string A formatted string with the result of the conversion. """ months, seconds = divmod(seconds, 2592000) days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 86400) # months if months > 1: m_str = "{0} months ".format(months) elif months > 0: m_str = "{0} month ".format(months) else: m_str = "" # days if days > 1: d_str = "{0} days ".format(days) elif days > 0: d_str = "{0} day ".format(days) else: d_str = "" # HH:MM:ss h_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)) return m_str + d_str + h_str
[docs]def number_to_month(months): """Convert numbers from 1 to 12 to the corresponding month in the abbreviated written form (e.g, ``3`` corresponds to ``'Mar'``). Parameters ---------- months : list Numbers to convert to Returns ------- list The corresponding months. """ month = {1: "Jan", 2: "Fev", 3: "Mar", 4: "Apr", 5: "May", 6: "Jun", 7: "Jul", 8: "Aug", 9: "Sep", 10: "Oct", 11: "Nov", 12: "Dec"} return [month[m] for m in months]